Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A New Way To Speak...

    Sign language is very easy to learn, most of the signs being self explanatory and very easy to remember. If you are interested in learning, a good way to learn any language is to start with the alphabet. You will be surprised how quickly you will be able to associate the signs with the actual letters. A good exercise to help you remember is to have a conversation with a friend by just using sign letters. At first it will be difficult, but as you practice it will start to come naturally. Did you know that there are actually people who choose to speak sign language but aren't actually deaf? This is a way of embracing Deaf Culture. If you are serious about learning sign language or if you just want to learn a couple signs ASL Pro is an excellent website to look into.

ASL Pro: http://www.aslpro.com/

Monday, October 3, 2011

Real Life

         One of the most challenging thing any one can do is reach adulthood alive and well. For most, thats easier said than done. This episode of MTV's Real Life: Im Deaf creates a realistic portrait of how two youths deal with their everyday lives. Follow the link to see the full episode or a preview. 

Full Episode: http://www.mtv.com/videos/true-life-im-deaf/1590956/playlist.jhtml

I recommend this for people who are curious about the everyday lives of the deaf.