Monday, September 26, 2011

Art Through New Eyes

       Whether you have ever pondered the concept of the Deaf or if it is entirely new to you, I’m sure we can all agree that the subject is one that isn’t usually considered often. Most reason that there really isn’t much to it. But on the contrary, there is an immense crowd with a passion for Deaf culture and those in it. The definition of culture is the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.  That means that The Deaf have a society that is distinctive in its arts and interactions. Deaf art is tremendously meaningful. Like any other art form, art provides a window into the soul of the artist and reveals what he or she is feeling. One famous deaf artist that is extremely influential in Deaf culture is Chuck Baird. He was born with moderate deaf and has created hundreds of works like the one above. For more info on him, the cause and his foundation, visit 
    For more artistically inclined people, visit 
    This is a great site to see some art by deaf students and to hear their stories.

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