Monday, September 26, 2011

A Whole Different World

                Usually, when people think of the Deaf, images of silence and isolation fill their minds.  What do you think of? If you have ever been exposed to the Deaf, you know that they can be far from that. In fact, they are some of the most eccentric and expressive people around. They communicate in one of the most intimate languages known to man, sign language. Most deaf people view being deaf not as a disability, but as an entirely different human experience. In reality, deaf people can do most things Hearing can, minus one thing, but really they gain another. A whole new world is theirs to explore, and is perceived in different ways just like those with hearing.
                A positive attitude toward deafness is common in Deaf culture. It usually isn’t considered a condition that needs fixing. People take pride in the way they experience the world that they live in. The purpose of this blog is to create knowledge and awareness about the Deaf to the general public. In further posts, I will explore elements that are intertwined with Deaf culture.  
              This is an EAST based project. The EAST Initiative is a nonprofit organization that provides new ways of learning for modern students. For more info about EAST visit

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